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Things Have Changed A Lot Since The Time I Have Joined The Industry To What It Is Now!

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Meet the Hotelier, Darwan Rawat. He is working at Grand Hyatt Goa as Sous Chef. His journey has been amazing in the Industry from painful losses to self-growth.

After having a small conversation with Chef Darwan Rawat, he shared that all of his hobbies used to revolve around food cooking. Let's find out how did he survive as a Hotelier during the Pandemic.


HW: What inspired you to pursue a career in this industry?

DR: Since cooking was my passion from the beginning and I had put in my subconscious that I would join Restaurant Industry. When I got this chance from my uncle, I couldn't stop myself to say yes to him. After completing my six months of training I was on board but I couldn't even express the feeling I have got when wearing my dress. Also, I have got really amazed by the professional work environment at the back. The only thing which made me so clear about the Industry was people helping nature and meeting new people.


HW: How did you cope with the first lockdown as a hotelier?

DR: First few days were really shit, sorry for the word but they really were. Then, I have made up my mind and started working on myself. Expand my cooking and serving skills, learned many things, and read a few books. Most of the time I was busy planning the next meal. I really wanted to be a Chef. It was really a tough time when I had to leave the Hotel and I knew that it was gonna be long. My whole month's schedule was dependent on my salary but no job, no money, and a little bit of stress, Of Course! things are getting better and work has also started coming on its track.


HW: Any message you want to share?

DR: Things have changed a lot since the time I have joined the Industry to what it is now. It is a job where one has worked hard so the guest is happy. I would say it is indeed a fulfilling job. Adding to that, it is one of the most highly paying and gratifying career options that one could ask for.



Profile: Darwan Rawat

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Hafizur Rahman 12 months ago

It's true that industries can change significantly over time due to advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and evolving market trends. What industry are you referring to, and what are some of the most significant changes you've observed? I'd be happy to discuss how these changes have impacted your work and what you see as the most important developments.